Главная » Downloads » Fata Morgana Zone » Once upon a time |
· | 01.02.2016, 21:24 |
You can enjoy delicious sushi and divine drinks at "Cherry Blossom" near the magic lake. Восхитительное суши и божественные напитки в "Ветке сакуры" у волшебного озера вернут вам вкус к жизни. Ground Floor Sushi bar First floor. Tea Room. Merman’s temple Magic Lake Once upon a time black-headed nymph of this lake fell in love with a mere mortal. Angry deities of water turned her&baby into stone. Озёрная нимфа, влюбившись в простого смертного, навлекла на себя гнев речных богов, и они превратили мать с младенцем в каменную статую At night the inconsolable nymph trying to break the stone shell. The twinkling of floating candles illuminate alive tears flowing over her stone face. По ночам безутешная нимфа пытается вырваться из каменной тюрьмы и слёзы отчаяния текут по её окаменелому лицу. Whoever can catch a tear before it touches the water, becomes the owner of a magic talisman. Счастливчик, который сумеет поймать слезу заколдованной нимфы, прежде чем та упадёт в озеро, станет обладателем волшебного амулета. В противном случае он сам превратится в камень и cгинет в мрачных глубинах заколдованных вод. My huge thanks to my friend kativip (Cradle of Darkness) for nice objects, conversions and delicious desserts and admirable sushi Special big thanks to Macarossi, Moune, Jon119, Jim07, Daislia (MTS) for awesome creations, Michelle (MTS) for nice recolors of objects, NMS and Cassandre (BPS), Veranka and Amovitam for conversions, Lama, DHSims, Moirae, Steffor, DOT, Eleanor, AnYe, Cycloneuse, Crissi, hengi65, Windkeeper, Olemantiker, very talenred creators from Avenidasims, 8-3 studio, ATS, sim2me, Parsimonius, M&T SimsCakeStore, other wonderful creators who indicated their names in the meshes ( All4sims, MTS, free TSR) and to the unknown gorgeous сreators who forgot to indicate their names in their meshes. Many thanks to my beloved Booty for almost all saved undead sites P.S. Before downloading this community lot you need to download a folder with all necessary. Vase in the foundation of "Cherry Blossom" – Season Weather Controller, a product of Simwardrobe (www.simwardrobe.com). You can change the weather without leaving the lot (rain, snow, sun ...) | |
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